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The website of the Skywalker project as a virtual flying ship sailing on the waves of information on the way to a eco-friendly future!


History of the origin of the project:

The idea of the design, which is proposed in the project, in its original form appeared in the spring of 2010. This idea has its own backstory and if anyone is interested, the details can be provided. By August 2010, the design idea had already been well thought out and with additions had taken on a more finalized form. At the same time it was decided not to wait for better times, when it would be possible to take a loan for the realization of the project, but to start looking for investments. Thus the project "Skywalker" appeared. 

Why does this project have that name?

The name of the project is derived by analogy with the Russian (is author's native language) names of machines: parohod (steamship), teplohod (motorship). So, the design, which works with the help of the forces of the sky (sun and wind), it was decided to call "Nebohod", which can be translated into English as "Skywalker". Therefore, all coincidences with a technique or a character from the series "Star Wars" are coincidental.

Our principles:

The main principle by which we act is: “Do what you must, and let it be what must be”. But the main principle by which we live is to keep the Commandments: "Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not cheat". Therefore, there is no purpose in what we do to deceive or harm anyone. And that's why the Skywalker Project has its own are rules.

Our goals:

To make the world cleaner and safer through innovative aeronautics and alternative energy technologies.

Our tasks:

  • Finding like-minded people. We are looking for people who share our values and are willing to join the team to realize ambitious projects.
  • Raising awareness. We want to raise awareness of green technology and environmental issues.
  • Inspiration and education. We aim to inspire and encourage technical and scientific literacy, especially among young people.
  • Raising funding. We need support to bring our ideas to life. We are open to collaboration with investors and partners.

Why will the Skywalker project be able to do this?

  • We believe that innovation can change the world for the better, and we are ready to reach new heights in solving environmental problems.
  • Our technologies do not harm the environment, but work in harmony with it.
  • We set ambitious goals and are not afraid of challenges.

On the website you can:

  • Learn more about the Skywalker project and our developments.
  • Learn about environmental issues and alternative ways to solve them.
  • Get inspired by stories of successful innovations.
  • Become part of a team of like-minded people.
  • Support the project financially or informationally.

Join us! Together we can make the world cleaner, safer and more sustainable!

Do not remain indifferent! The future of the planet is in our hands!