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Today September 3, 2024 we are pleased to announce the full launch of our updated website! In May we reported about the launch of the beta version of the site, but now the basic content filling and testing of features has been completed. We've been working towards this for a long time, and now the moment has finally arrived! We present to you our updated site. Get ready for the digital journey!

Here is a small map of the site:

Gangway (Home Page)

Cabin: About, Glossary, Rules, Logbook, Crew, Coordinates (Pages with information about the project)

Overview: Aviation, Aerostat, Power plant (Three main pages describing the project constructions)

Perspective: Variants, Sponsorship, Investorship, Project Steps (Pages describing project perspectives)

And of course, the most important page for investors and fundraising for the development of the project :)

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the new features. Here you can learn more about our project, our mission, and our accomplishments. We are constantly working to improve the site to make it even more user-friendly and informative for you. We have more than 470 entries prepared for publication in the Logbook. Join and stay up to date with our news.
