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This flying machine can serve as a mobile platform for launching small satellites or conducting scientific experiments in microgravity conditions, providing cost-effective access to space for research institutions and commercial entities.

The Skywalker opens new doors to space:

The Skywalker is not just a flying vehicle, it is a new gateway to uncharted space distances. It is also designed to launch small satellites into space, opening up these opportunities for small companies and universities.

A cost-effective way to the stars:

  • Cost reduction: Launching satellites with Skywalker is cheaper and more affordable than ever before.
  • Flexibility: Individualized approach to each launch, the ability to adjust plans according to research objectives.
  • Mobility: The Skywalker can be transported anywhere in the world, simplifying logistics and expanding capabilities.

New Horizons for Science:

  • Microgravity research: Studying the effects of weightlessness on biological objects and materials, and developing new technologies.
  • Astronomical observations: Launching telescopes and other scientific instruments to study stars, galaxies and other space objects.
  • Meteorological research: Collecting weather data, studying Earth's climate.

Science Without Borders:

  • Access for All: Small companies and universities can now conduct their space research without being limited by the resources of large space agencies.
  • Collaboration without Borders: Scientists from around the world can join forces to solve global challenges.
  • Inspiration for future generations: The path to space will become more accessible, sparking an interest in science in young explorers.

Skywalker is not just a tool, it is a catalyst for progress.