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  • Impact innovations for the aviation

    Skywalker Avia Project is an innovative development based on the integration of aviation technologies and renewable energy sources, aimed at improving and increasing the energy efficiency of air transportation.

    The main objective of the project is the development of an hybrid aircraft at that combining the technology of aviation and balloons with wind turbines and solar concentrators.

    Skywalker aircraft

    Импакт-инновации для авиации

    Проект Небоход Авиа это инновационная разработка, основанная на интеграции авиационных технологий и возобновляемых источников энергии, направленная на совершенствование и повышение энергоэффективности авиатранспорта.

    Основной целью проекта является создание гибридного летательного аппарата, который объединяет в себе авиационные и воздухоплавательные технологии с ветряными турбинами и солнечными концентраторами.

    Небоход авиация

    Impacto innovaciones para la aviación

    El Proyecto Skywalker Avia es un desarrollo innovador basado en la integración de tecnologías aeronáuticas y fuentes de energía renovables, destinado a mejorar y aumentar la eficiencia energética del transporte aéreo.

    El objetivo principal del proyecto es el desarrollo de un híbrido aeronave que combine la tecnología de aviación y globos con turbinas eólicas y concentradores solares.

    Skywalker avión

    Impact innovaties voor de luchtvaart

    Skywalker Avia Project is een innovatieve ontwikkeling gebaseerd op de integratie van luchtvaarttechnologieën en hernieuwbare energiebronnen, gericht op het verbeteren en verhogen van de energie-efficiëntie van luchtvervoer.

    Het hoofddoel van het project is de ontwikkeling van een hybride vliegtuig dat de technologie van vliegtuigen en ballonnen combineert met windturbines en zonne-concentrators.

    Skywalker vliegtuig
  • A new vision for aerostat technology

    Skywalker Aero Project is aimed at improving and reviving the technology of aerostats, and increasing the energy efficiency of renewable energy sources by increasing the height of their application.

    The second goal of the project is the development of an innovative hybrid aerostatat that combining the technology of aviation and balloons with wind turbines and solar concentrators.

    Skywalker aerostat

    Новое видение технологии аэростатов

    Проект Небоход Аэро направлен на совершенствование и возрождение технологии аэростатов, и повышение энергоэффективности возобновляемых источников энергии за счет повышения высоты их применения.

    Второй целью проекта является создание инновационного гибридного аэростата, который объединяет в себе авиационные и воздухоплавательные технологии с ветряными турбинами и солнечными концентраторами.

    Небоход аэростат

    Una nueva visión para la tecnología de aerostatos

    El Proyecto Skywalker Aero tiene como objetivo mejorar y revivir la tecnología de los aerostatos, y aumentar la eficiencia energética de las fuentes de energía renovables al aumentar la altura de su aplicación.

    El segundo objetivo del proyecto es el desarrollo de un innovador híbrido aerostato que combine la tecnología de aviación y globos con turbinas eólicas y concentradores solares.

    Skywalker aerostato

    Een nieuwe visie voor aerostat technologie

    Skywalker Aero Project is gericht op het verbeteren en herleven van de technologie van aerostats en het vergroten van de energie-efficiëntie van hernieuwbare energiebronnen door de hoogte van hun toepassing te vergroten.

    Het tweede doel van het project is de ontwikkeling van een innovatieve hybride aerostat dat de technologie van vliegtuigen en ballonnen combineert met windturbines en zonne-concentrators.

    Skywalker aerostat
  • Innovations for the industry of RES

    Skywalker Statio Project is an innovative development based on the integration of two renewable energy sources in one system, aimed at improving and increasing the energy efficiency of RES electrical stations.

    The third goal of the project is the development of an innovative stationary hybrid electro-generating system that combines in itself wind turbines, a heat engine and solar concentrators.

    Skywalker stationary system

    Инновации для отрасли стационарных ВИЭ

    Проект Небоход Статио это инновационная разработка, основанная на интеграции двух возобновляемых источников энергии в одной системе, направленная на совершенствование и повышение энергоэффективности ВИЭ-электростанций.

    Третьей целью проекта является создание инновационной стационарной гибридной электрогенерирующей системы, которая объединяет в себе ветряные турбины, тепловой двигатель и солнечные концентраторы.

    Небоход стационарная система

    Innovaciones para la industria de las FER

    El Proyecto Skywalker Statio es un desarrollo innovador basado en la integración de dos fuentes de energía renovables en un sistema, destinado a mejorar y aumentar la eficiencia energética de las estaciones eléctricas FER.

    El tercer objetivo del proyecto es el desarrollo de un innovador sistema híbrido estacionario de electrogeneración, que combine mismo turbinas eólicas, un motor de calor y concentradores solares.

    Skywalker sistema estacionario

    Innovaties voor de industrie van HEB's

    Skywalker Statio Project is een innovatieve ontwikkeling op basis van de integratie van twee hernieuwbare energiebronnen in één systeem, gericht op het verbeteren en vergroten van de energie-efficiëntie van HEB-elektrische stations.

    Het derde doel van het project is de ontwikkeling van een innovatief stationair hybride elektro-generatiesysteem dat op zichzelf combineert windturbines, een warmtemotor en zonne-concentrators.

    Skywalker stationair systeem.

Options for Skywalker Avia



This flying machine can be utilized for passenger and cargo transport, offering efficient and eco-friendly alternatives for flights of any durations. ...

Installation Work

Equipped with specialized equipment, this flying machine can perform installation work such as placing telecommunications infrastructure, installing solar panels, or setting up structures in remote or hard-to-reach locations. ...

Flying House

The spacious interior of this aircraft can be customized to serve as a luxurious flying house, offering comfortable living quarters with amenities, for long-distance travel or leisure trips. ...

Options for Skywalker Aero



The aerostat of the Skywalker Aero project can be deployed for long-term, high-altitude monitoring of large areas. This includes environmental surveillance, weather monitoring, wildlife tracking, wildfire and disaster probability assessment. ...


This aerostat can be equipped with advanced surveillance equipment for security applications. It can provide persistent aerial surveillance for border control, critical infrastructure protection, and large events. Its high vantage point ...

Air Conditioner

The aerostat can serve as a mobile air conditioning system, using its altitude to access cooler air and then channeling this air to ground-level facilities, as well as creating shade from the sun. Thus, is offered an innovative and energy-efficient ...

Options for Skywalker Statio


Charging Station

The Skywalker Statio power plant can serve as a charging station for electric vehicles and devices, harnessing solar and wind energy to provide eco-friendly power in remote as well in urban areas. ...

Advertising medium

The structure of this power plant can be utilized as an innovative advertising medium, with its visible and prominent position making it an ideal platform for digital billboards and promotional displays. ...


This power plant can support telecommunications infrastructure by hosting antennas and relay stations, enhancing connectivity in underserved areas and providing a stable power source for communication networks. ...

Steps of project progression

Step 1.1 - Project Website

In 2010 the idea of the project of a new flying machine with the name "Skywalker" appeared. In the course of the development of this idea and to promote the project, the creation of a website was started. At the beginning of 2011 the site was opened for public access and its promotion in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet was started. Information about the project was posted on thematic resources, the project was discussed on forums, in social networks and in Comments . The archive with messages that were published during these activities on external resources can be found on the Forum page (Russian language only). Although there was no negativity about the project during these discussions, there was no expected support either. That's why it was concluded that the time for this project has not come yet and therefore the project was postponed. But the project website was constantly maintained by the author and did not stop its work.


Step 2.1 - Begin prototyping

In 2013, the creation of a small prototype on the Skywalker project was beginning. The first step in this effort was the manufacture of one of the nodes of the structure in the metal - a small heat engine. This node is an important element of the energy system of this design. And this node was first made as a workpiece completed by 90%, which required further refinement. But, in view of the fact that then the Skywalker project did not receive the necessary funding and was postponed, so this node was not completed either. After refinement of this unit, until fully readiness, tests should still be carried out to verify its work characteristics.

Next are the drawings of this node (but this is only an intermediate and incomplete version, to preserve trade secret):

Step 3.1 - Company Foundation

In 2023, it was decided to establish a parent company - Eshar Creative Company, for which the Skywalker project will be a subsidiary. As the founder of the project has several other excellent innovative projects, but they are in other industries, so these projects are not quite appropriate within the framework of one project Skywalker.

In order to implement all these projects, the company plans to attract investments, namely registration of a joint stock company and issue of shares. At the moment, we estimate the investment potential of all the company's projects at 1 billion euros. In the first investment round it is planned to issue shares of the company for this amount, of which 25% of shares will be available for sale.


LBE #483: Upgrade #4

Today September 3, 2024 we are pleased to announce the full launch of our updated website!

LBE #482: Upgrade #3

Today a significantly updated version of the website was published.

LBE #8: Upgrade #2

Limited registration on the project site. In principle, this function was not needed initially, just debugging for the future.